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How to Treat Head Lice: 4 Things You Can Do to Prevent and Treat

Key Points

  • The article presents four home remedies to combat head lice, a common issue among school-aged children: wet-combing, smothering lice with oils, using essential oils, and applying mayonnaise to the scalp.
  • The article advises against overusing lice medication, using multiple lice medications at once, and fumigation.
  • It suggests seeking medical attention if a rash develops, there's a reaction to over-the-counter lice treatments, or if the lice infestation keeps coming back.
  • The piece concludes with prevention tips, including avoiding close contact, not sharing personal items, disinfecting combs and brushes, and washing and drying clothing and bed linens used by an infested person.

Two little words can cause parents everywhere to shudder when they appear in the school announcements–head lice! Also known as just lice, they are tiny parasitic insects that can infest the hair and scalp, according to the Mayo Clinic. A lice infestation can cause itching and spread easily from person to person. As frustrating as lice are, it is important to know that there are effective home remedies that can help get rid of lice (and their eggs)

How to Treat Head Lice: 4 Things You Can Do to Prevent and Treat

Key Points

  • The article presents four home remedies to combat head lice, a common issue among school-aged children: wet-combing, smothering lice with oils, using essential oils, and applying mayonnaise to the scalp.
  • The article advises against overusing lice medication, using multiple lice medications at once, and fumigation.
  • It suggests seeking medical attention if a rash develops, there's a reaction to over-the-counter lice treatments, or if the lice infestation keeps coming back.
  • The piece concludes with prevention tips, including avoiding close contact, not sharing personal items, disinfecting combs and brushes, and washing and drying clothing and bed linens used by an infested person.

Two little words can cause parents everywhere to shudder when they appear in the school announcements–head lice! Also known as just lice, they are tiny parasitic insects that can infest the hair and scalp, according to the Mayo Clinic. A lice infestation can cause itching and spread easily from person to person. As frustrating as lice are, it is important to know that there are effective home remedies that can help get rid of lice (and their eggs)

4 Ways to Get Rid of Headlice

1. Wet-Combing & Over-the-Counter Treatments

Wet-combing is a simple but effective way to remove lice and their eggs (known as “nits”) from your hair, according to Healthline. They recommend that you try a wet combing technique after using an over-the-counter shampoo that is specially formulated for lice. While your hair is still wet, use a fine-toothed comb to comb through your hair—starting at the scalp and working your way down to the ends.

You can also find combs that are made specifically for wet combing lice—these combs will usually be near the lice shampoo. Healthline notes that you should repeat this process every few days until all the lice and nits are gone, or as often as the lice shampoo suggests.

2. Smother Lice With Oil

Although more research is needed, one possible way to kill lice is by suffocating them with oil, according to Medical News Today. They note that you can try olive oil, anise oil, or coconut oil. The theory is that the oil will smother the lice and make them easier to comb them out.

3. Tea Tree or Other Essential Oils

Some essential oils are believed to help lice infestations, according to Healthline. They note that an oil well-known for treating lice is tea tree oil. They recommend that you mix 15 to 20 drops of essential oil with 2 ounces of olive oil and then apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it on overnight. You can repeat this process until you are free from lice.

Alternatively, you can mix 15 to 20 drops of essential oil with 4 ounces of rubbing alcohol and use a spray bottle to apply it to your hair and scalp. Once your lice infestation is eliminated, Healthline notes that you can continue using this as a preventative treatment.

4. Mayonnaise

Although this treatment is unconventional and has no evidence to support its effectiveness, there is little chance it could hurt according to Medical News Today. They note that some people report that mayonnaise can help ease the itching and scalp irritation associated with lice as well.

Lice Treatments You Should Avoid

For as many home remedies that are found on the internet, there is as much bad advice. According to Healthline, the CDC warns against some excessive and potentially problematic treatments:

  • Don’t use extra amounts of any recommended or prescribed dose of lice medication to try to treat the lice “faster.”
  • Avoid getting any medication for lice in the eyes—and if contact with the eyes does occur, be sure to flush your eyes out and see a doctor right away.
  • Don’t repeat the same lice treatment more times than recommended.
  • Don’t use more than one head lice medication at the same time.
  • Don’t fumigate for lice—it’s necessary and may be toxic to people and pets.
  • Avoid using conditioner, as it acts as it may protect the lice from any medication you try
  • Don’t use lindane shampoo as a first-line treatment for children

When to See a Doctor for Lice

While most cases of lice can be treated with home treatments, there are some cases when you may need stronger medication. Medical News Today recommends that you see a doctor if you develop a rash, have a reaction to over-the-counter lice treatments, or if your lice infestation returns.

How to Prevent Lice

There are several things you can do to help prevent a lice infestation, according to the CDC:

  • Avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during play and other activities at home, school, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, camp).
  • Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, hair ribbons, or barrettes.
  • Do not share combs, brushes, or towels. Disinfect any combs and brushes used by someone who has lice by soaking them in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have recently been in contact with an infected person.
  • Machine wash and dry clothing, bed linens, and other items that an infested person wore or used during the 2 days before treatment. Be sure to use the hottest water and highest heat drying cycles.
  • Clothing and items that are not washable can be dry-cleaned OR sealed in a plastic bag and stored for 2 weeks.
  • Vacuum the floor and furniture, particularly where the infested person sat or lay.
  • Do not use fumigant sprays or fog.


Head Lice. (December 8, 2023)

6 Best Home Remedies for Lice. (December 8, 2023)

Home Remedies for Headlice. (December 8, 2023)

Head Lice. (December 8, 2023)

Frequently asked questions

  • What are some home remedies for treating head lice?

    The article suggests four methods: wet-combing after using lice shampoo, smothering lice with oils like olive oil, anise oil or coconut oil, using essential oils such as tea tree oil mixed with olive oil or rubbing alcohol, and applying mayonnaise to the scalp.
  • Are there any practices to avoid when dealing with head lice?

    Yes, the article warns against using excessive amounts of lice medication, using more than one lice medication at the same time, and fumigation.
  • When should I seek medical attention for head lice?

    You should see a doctor if a rash develops, if there's a reaction to over-the-counter lice treatments, or if the lice infestation keeps coming back.
  • What are some prevention methods for head lice?

    Some prevention methods include avoiding head-to-head contact, not sharing personal items, disinfecting combs and brushes, and washing and drying clothing and bed linens used by an infested person.
  • Can essential oils help in treating head lice?

    Yes, the article suggests using essential oils such as tea tree oil mixed with olive oil or rubbing alcohol as a home remedy for head lice.
  • Can overusing lice medication be harmful?

    Yes, the article warns against using excessive amounts of lice medication as it can be harmful.
  • Is fumigation a recommended method for treating head lice?

    No, the article advises against fumigation as a method for treating head lice.
  • Can mayonnaise be used as a treatment for head lice?

    Yes, the article suggests applying mayonnaise to the scalp as a home remedy for head lice.
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