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Top 5 Flu Elixirs. Yes, There Is Bourbon.

Key Points

  • The article provides a list of top beverages to consume when feeling sick, which can be easily made at home with common ingredients.
  • Ginger tea is recommended for its soothing properties, especially for sore throats and congestion. It's best prepared with fresh ginger, honey, and lemon.
  • Apple cider vinegar is suggested due to its antimicrobial properties that can help combat bacteria causing sickness. It can be mixed with water, sweetened with apple juice, and spiced with cinnamon.
  • Miso soup is an alternative to chicken soup for vegetarians or those seeking variety. It can be consumed alone or with added egg and rice for nutrition and energy.
  • A bourbon hot toddy, while not medicinal, can provide comfort when feeling unwell. It's prepared with hot tea, honey, and lemon, but should be consumed in moderation due to alcohol's dehydrating effects.

When you’re not feeling so hot, is instant relief too much to ask for? (Answer: Of course not.) Since we haven’t cracked the whole “cure for the common cold” thing, we can’t just pop a pill and wake up feeling better. If you’re feeling sick, you deserve some comfort. Here are the top beverages that will do the trick, and you can whip them up at home with ingredients you likely already have. So, until that cure is developed, don’t worry: we have bourbon.

Top 5 Flu Elixirs. Yes, There Is Bourbon.

Key Points

  • The article provides a list of top beverages to consume when feeling sick, which can be easily made at home with common ingredients.
  • Ginger tea is recommended for its soothing properties, especially for sore throats and congestion. It's best prepared with fresh ginger, honey, and lemon.
  • Apple cider vinegar is suggested due to its antimicrobial properties that can help combat bacteria causing sickness. It can be mixed with water, sweetened with apple juice, and spiced with cinnamon.
  • Miso soup is an alternative to chicken soup for vegetarians or those seeking variety. It can be consumed alone or with added egg and rice for nutrition and energy.
  • A bourbon hot toddy, while not medicinal, can provide comfort when feeling unwell. It's prepared with hot tea, honey, and lemon, but should be consumed in moderation due to alcohol's dehydrating effects.

When you’re not feeling so hot, is instant relief too much to ask for? (Answer: Of course not.) Since we haven’t cracked the whole “cure for the common cold” thing, we can’t just pop a pill and wake up feeling better. If you’re feeling sick, you deserve some comfort. Here are the top beverages that will do the trick, and you can whip them up at home with ingredients you likely already have. So, until that cure is developed, don’t worry: we have bourbon.

Ginger Tea

A steaming cup of tea can be incredibly soothing, especially if you have a sore throat. Ginger tea takes it a step further by helping to ease congestion. It also aids digestion and alleviates the discomfort of an upset stomach. Bags of ginger tea are ok, but to pack the most punch, steep about a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger in boiling water four about 10 minutes. Pour the strained liquid into a mug, and then stir in some honey and fresh lemon. Tip: Avoid drinking anything that’s too hot or too cold, which can further irritate a sore throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar

In the past few years, it seems like apple cider vinegar has been touted as a wonder liquid with the power to help you with everything from whitening teeth to losing weight. And, it helps when you’re sick with the flu. Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties which can help kick the bacteria that’s making you sick. Try pouring about a tablespoon into a glass of water and keep drinking this mixture until you’re feeling better. If you want, sweeten with a bit of apple juice and spice it up with cinnamon.

Miso Soup

You probably already know the benefits of chicken soup (a childhood sickness favorite), but if you’re a vegetarian or just want to try something different, miso is for you. Try sipping the broth on its own or add egg and rice to make it more substantial, because when you aren’t feeling well, keeping your energy up and getting nutrition is crucial.

Sriracha Brew

This spicy red sauce has become not only a kitchen staple, but has gathered a cult following. It can also act as an expectorant, helping you to beat a cough. To blend your own cold-fighting concoction, steep ginger like you’re making tea, then add lemon and a few squirts of sriracha. You can even try adding it to your miso soup for extra kick.

Bourbon Hot Toddy

If your cold still has you feeling miserable at the end of the day, sometimes a nip of bourbon is in order. It might not have medicinal properties, but it certainly can soothe, especially when it’s in a hot toddy. Add a shot of to a cup of hot tea, honey and lemon, and sip before bed. Just remember: alcohol dehydrates, and too much of it can mess with your sleep, so stick to a one-toddy limit.

Frequently asked questions

  • What are some home remedies for alleviating common cold symptoms?

    Some home remedies for common cold symptoms include drinking ginger tea, apple cider vinegar, miso soup, a sriracha brew, or a bourbon hot toddy.
  • How can ginger tea help when you're feeling sick?

    Ginger tea can help ease congestion, aid digestion, and alleviate the discomfort of an upset stomach. It can be especially soothing if you have a sore throat.
  • What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar when you're not feeling well?

    Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties which can help kick the bacteria that’s making you sick. It can be mixed with water and consumed until you feel better.
  • What is a good soup option for vegetarians when they're sick?

    Miso soup is a great option for vegetarians when they're not feeling well. It can be consumed as a broth or made more substantial with the addition of egg and rice.
  • How can sriracha sauce help when you have a cold?

    Sriracha sauce can act as an expectorant, helping to beat a cough. It can be added to a ginger tea or miso soup for an extra kick.
  • What is a bourbon hot toddy and how can it help when you're sick?

    A bourbon hot toddy is a drink made by adding a shot of bourbon to a cup of hot tea, honey, and lemon. While it might not have medicinal properties, it can soothe cold symptoms, especially before bed. However, it's important to remember that alcohol can dehydrate you and too much can disrupt your sleep.
  • What should you avoid when drinking beverages to soothe a sore throat?

    You should avoid drinking anything that’s too hot or too cold as this can further irritate a sore throat.
  • What is the benefit of adding honey and lemon to ginger tea?

    Adding honey and lemon to ginger tea can enhance the soothing effect of the tea. Honey can help soothe a sore throat and lemon can provide a boost of vitamin C.
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